Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
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201 lines
fff jjj fff jjj fjf jfj fjf jf ffj jjf jfj jff fjf fjf f
fff jjj ffj jjf fjf jfj jjj ff fjfj ffjj jffj fjfjf jjff
dkd kdk kdd kkd dkk ddk dkd kd ddk kkd dkd kdk kkd dk dk
ddd kkk ddk kkd dkd kdk dkd kd ffjk kdjf fd dfjk kdk fjf
fkf dfj fdk kjkfdk fdk fjd kfd kjfd kjfdk kjfdf dfdkj fd
fjk kjfd dfjd kdjf fdk fdj fjd dkjf fdk jkf dkfjd kj dfj
ss lll sls lsl lss ssl ssl sls dk lkl lsls slls skdj fds
df jkl lkj sdk fjs lkjf dkf fa aas ;;; aaa a;a ;a; ;;a;;
;a asa ;l; ;sa akd la;sd alass ;s al sl lsk all lla lala
aldk daj; aslk alfj a;slk kdla asdl laks dkfj fkdl sk al
a lass a lass a lads lass a lads a lad a a lass all lads
ggh hga ghg hgh ghg hah gas hgal gas has dash lash shall
a lad had a glass glass a lass as lad a lass shall l all
a lads lass glass lass lads sad; a lad has a lass a lass
sad lads gas lag shall as dash sad salad fad jag flag al
eie ieii iei eie iie eii iesie eiei iee iei eik ied said
a lad feeds a lass a sail fail sails safe jail fake like
a life like sail; gas dials gal a seal fishes flash hike
rrr uuu rur uru rug hug greed; i like red dials fad jail
ttt yyy tty yyt tyt yty ytyt the hall her hall fall jill
a lass; she has a trailer that lass; lass lasses glasses
a last laugh said he; a slide; wide slide ride tide hide
www ooo wow oww oow owo woow; world wide shows i laughed
i would like to see you sarah said he he said i said she
qaq pjp qkp qlq qap psp pdpf p quail eggs quills praised
hello how are you said paul; he likes I hike likes hikes
a frail old lady likes sweets she likes sweets likes she
sorry harry said the old lady; I like sweets said harry;
i will stay here laughed the old lady; so will harry too
we say you should try harder at these; as hard as it is;
that lad walked quite stoutly said sheila as she stared.
ccc nnn ccn ncn nnc nice nicely nicer not nice rice lice
I saw sheila knock the girls down she hit them that hard
cliff not can nice ccn nnc nc nice conical comic comical
we would like a drink please said darren; he likes coke.
you are doing quite well today at these short lessons.
our darren likes a daily walk to the top of the stairs
vvv bbb vvv bbv vbv bbv bvbb v and b have just been used
oh very well you can buy one said she I said no.
Ghost Riders my handle on the CB radio. I use channel 33
xxx mmm xmx mxx mxm max mane sane sanity vanity vault
we want an extra plus account so we can save and save.
machine code was easy to learn but difficult to master
Too many hands make light work said my sister.
Brothers and sisters I have none but that mans father
is my fathers son. Work that one out if you can
zzz dfs zkzf joz zoo slide sld slick slide stride side
alfs computer was a zx spectrum but he has now sold it.
good you now know all the keys so no excuses ok.
Do you know what english word has no rhyme
resident procedures are needed to make a program work
a peak surrounded by corries; What is a corrie.
use double entry bookkeeping to keep things straight;
try a profit and loss account instead of a balance sheet
fast central processing units running at eight MHZ
next we will use numbers 10 4; mdv1 29th November 1962
that was easy now for more on the capital letters
I like the Sinclair QL and the Commodore Amiga computers
Hello my name is David Batty and I am 28 years old.
frEe sChOol meAls foR us Kids I think that was a bad one
try using shift to obtain QPAN or PAULA or PAULINE
Remember always use the shift key on the opposite side
My brothers handle is Avenger but he sold his rig
queer sat said fight jail daze wild police great bold
Mr F.R. Read will call at 6 PM said his letter.
Dear Fred Thank you for trying but we were unable to
fix the problem even when using your suggestions.
keep your eyes on the screen while typing this lesson
The Sinclair QL has a great multitasking environment
very short white bent railings look like bent railings
I would like ice cream please said the little girl
A frequency dependant voltage or a phased locked loop
a great precision or stability is needed for this
phase locked loops are used in radio transmitters
The red dog saw the large cat and said hello large cat
Radio plays can be informative but are not very popular
abcde fghijkl mnopq rst u vwxyz now for it backwards
zyxwv utsrqp onmlkji hgfed cba Now try and remember it
Now for some words that you will not be able to just
glance at and look at the keyboard and type. You will
probably have to keep your eyes on the screen unless
your spelling is good and these are all in your
vocabulary. Try finding out what they all mean by using
a good dictionary. If you know what they all mean then
you are probably too clever for your own good..
synopsis autobiography naptha macadam pugnacious
bilaterals; taffeta; serpentine navvys spontaneous
undeniable; djellaba conscientious wanderlust sepoy
condiment toy bonhomie reciprical carrion ballyhoo
usurer oakum; dressage; retroactive dolmen curriculum;
archipelago peptic leaven expatriate climate molten
convolution grotesque obliques climactic dignitary.
ziggurate filch entropy malthusian hock Diatom Bolshevic
trappist Circadian azure physiotherapy; agglomerate.
iconoclast giambeux giaour oblanceolate slummock sozzle
Soutache rispetto reddendum proconsul pneumathode
manumission gregatin pregustation scurrior souteneur
Strigops Tynwald Scrabble Sartorial sandalwood talisman
tangible thyself Chromatic. Circuitous Chagrin; snood
tamarisk Uranium citation Conflagration Pedagogue toxin;
Emissary Noxious Tantamou stupefy projectiles Handball ;
bauxite lucerne expedient Covetous; brindled artichokes;
Glockenspiel Freemasonry Diffused Carillon Blunderbuss;
Caterwaul backhanded expedient Fundamentalism 23 370
Lozenge; Hallucination; Clearinghouse Carriageway
Behaviorism adiago Preponderate snaffle mu Appertain
ambergris algorithm; Remonstrate. peradventure geer
Computer aided design ; tacit. Roquefort; penicillin
Funicular perspicacious exalts Girth. spontaneous
millenium Convolution maim bluestocking Yiddish zygote
gamete zionism. Bet you dont know half of them words
Three Chromium plated doubries said Mike Cook yesterday
c ch chi chic chicke chicken chickens chick chic chi ch
to execute maskable interrupts is a valid instruction
Volvo 360 GLEi Avenger Escort 1.3 Jaguar XJ6 Daimler 4.2
Red. Black Yellow Blue Green; Big Small Thin Tall Light
Spice ecips version; Wie gewonnen so zerronnen gut
Seagull stone minehead holiday Curia complaisant
Comatose Antecedent; Oesophagus Kingdom Oleaginous
Omnipotent Complementary complicated cat Hellenistic;
hermaphrodite Convolvulus cornucopia. debris ninny nod;
not nine noon Sforzando springbok standpipe Bazooka Judo
barometers atoll Scherzo unremitting volunteer
aggrandizement anthropomorphism appendicectomy apples
Archiepiscopal arrondissement arteriosclerosis arteries
circumiocution circumnavigate circumspection
claustrophobia commissionaire congregationalism
consubstantiation curriculum vitae disapprobation
disproportionate dramatispersonae existentialism
floccinaucinihilipilifacation heavisidelayer
Hypersensitive incommensurate incommunicable
incommunicative Incomprehensible incomprehensive
Inconsiderable incontrovertible indecipherable
indestructible indiscriminate indistinquishable
Inextinguishable infradignitatem infrastructure
inlocoparentis insurmountable intercollegiate
intercommunicate intercontinental interdenominational
Interdependent Interplanetary irreconcilable
irreproachable knickerbockers maladministration
misappropriate multimillionaire neocolonialism
nitroglycerine noblesseoblige noncomposmentis
notwithstanding osteoarthritis overcapitalize
Parthenogenesis personanongrata phenobarbitone
phosphorescence plenipotentiary primaballerina
psychoanalysis reconnaissance renegade rodent rat rats
septuagenarian telecommunications thermodynamics
Thermoelectricity tintinnabulation transcontinential
unapproachable uncommunicative uncompromising
undemonstrative undenominational underdeveloped
Undernourished underpopulated underprivileged
underproduction undersecretary undomesticated
unexceptionable unparliamentary unpremeditated
Unprepossessing unprofessional unquestionable
unsophisticated valetudinarian verisimilitude
T 70 MT 800 EP 44 JS 1.1 Exemplify Protagonist stanza;
Titular; pusillanimous florentine Mispronounces Pastiche
sestet Winnow Transubstantiation Wax Tautology termagant
wainscot; Chief badge tetrahedron tears terminology tide
Bacchanal assimilates against.use your f finger for 4vrf
Shirting; summation transport d goes to 3; k finger to 8
Drink Drive drink drive Drove driven driving driver
She saw sea shells she said she sells she she sells saw
A professional piece of work is the only acceptable one
Dogsbody's diligent dielectric diatom dichotomy
Stupor stymie stygian styptic. style sty strict strikes
r ra rab rabb rabbit rabbits rabbit rabbi rabb rab ra r
o op ope open openin opening openin openi open ope op a
A quarter past twenty to eleven by the little hand.
Gryphon gambol freebooter flit febrile exemplary cumin
Chromosome sentiment fungicide fundamental funded farms
The red cat chased the big dog and jumped over the fox
A secret phone number was included in this program
Mycelium martinet material Discotheque discountenance
Columbine; combustible crowning Brown blindfold blazer
Yield Yobbo Young Yokel Yearn Zealous Zealot Ziggurat
Acme acoustic addendum; Bawdy beastly beatnik bedouins
Castellated catching crabs Discriminatory; discourteous;
Executive expert expedition Fastidious fatuous feature;
Garish gangling garret; geisha Hardwearing harebrained
Impartial important impre Jealous jacobean japonica; jar
a i he she they you me we that they those whose when why
There are two hundred lessons in this set and about ten
thousand characters this works out to 2102 words.
This is because in typing a word is classed as five
characters. To ensure that you look at the screen as
much as possible I have used a lot of random words that
you will not take one look at and then look at the
keyboard while you type. If you can take one look at
some of the lines in this set of lessons and then just
look down and type them then you are a better person
than me. I hope you have enjoyed going through this
program and are a better typist that when you started.
If you would like to let me have your comments on ways
to improve the program then please send them to
David Batty
Sector Software
39 Wray Crescent
Ulnes Walton
Leyland Lancashire PR5 3NH
and I will include them in future versions.
Now you will wrap around to lesson one and have a rest